Monday, April 30, 2012

Strangling Puppies?

So some sick-minded artist is PO'd because he can't strangle puppies for his "Artistic Performance"... TOO BAD! And he claims that he had the "Noblest intentions"? HAHAHA ok, for my art piece I'll punch you square in the face Mr. Puppy Strangler, now don't worry, I have the noblest intentions, because you know... it's art! So yeah, German animal protection laws "restricted his artistic freedoms". Listen, I'm all for "Artistic freedom" etc. But strangling a puppy (actually 2), FOR REAL on stage?!? Yeaaaano... I don't care what your intentions are, you don't literally kill an animal, and break the law all for an artistic performance. I don't care if it's potentially the best performance on earth, you don't see us killing humans for real in movies, etc. Some people these days, simply moronic! Disagree with me? Feel free to tell your thoughts on the situation in a comment. Thank you!





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