First blog on a pretty controversial topic. Now I found this video of a guy (will link it) saying that "Gay marriage destroys traditional marriage" and that was his main argument. Not to mention he acted like a total bigot who believed that any crap running out of his mouth was pure wisdom, like how "Gays should get over it" etc. To this bigot I say this.
1. Gays should be allowed to marry like any other human being. Simple as that. It's not as if they get to choose whether or not they love a human being of the same sex, hence they should be allowed to marry someone they love, and as for this "tradition" of a man and women supposed to being the only ones to be allowed to marry? Yes, well it also used to be a "tradition" to do "foot binding" (google it and be disturbed) not to mention it's a "tradition" to toss babies from a 15 story building onto a bedsheet because it was supposed to make the baby "stronger". Tradition ISN'T always the best.
and 2. Get over it? What if you loved someone and they happened to be black. But interracial marriages weren't allowed. How would it feel to have someone saying "get over it and stop complaining" if you couldn't marry somebody you loved?
Homophobia is ignorant and very close minded. For those of you who are homophobic? I say "GET OVER IT!"
-Pictoron (Cody Austin)
The video of the d-bag:
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